Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Kindergarten is a place where children at  4-6 years get their 1st learning....According to Howard Gardner 8 Multiple Intellegences, we should create a place where student could have a fun n joyful learning....It's the main purpose why Kindergarten is called Taman which means a place where children will get a lot of fun in their active learning....
TK Aisyiyah 42 is one of Kindergarten in Surabaya which is under Muhammadiyah . The mainpurpose is not only teaching student with good skill but also create them as fabulous moslem.....


Assalammu"alaikum....Selamat Datang di blog TK Aisyiyah 42 Cab Ngagel Kota Surabaya
Tk Aisyiyah 42  Bagong beralamat di Jl. Bagong Ginayan IV/44 Sby
Telp. 031-92040523
Membuka Pendaftaran Siswa Baru thn 2013-2014
Info PSB lebih lanjut...tunggu di postingan berikutnya....